JAN 05 2025 _ 1 MIN READ
3D Conway's Game of Life
The Game of Life, also known as Conway's Game of Life, is a cellular automaton. It has a fixed starting state, and its evolution after t=0 is determined by a small set of simple mathematical rules.
This 3D representation of Conway's Game of Life follows the original rules B3/S23. That is, a cell is born with three neighbors (B3) and survives with two or three neighbors (S23) in t'=t+1
, i.e., the next epoch. A neighbor refers to any cell that is directly adjacent to another cell in a 2D plane (here the top plane).
epoch 0
alive 0
died 0
Set a seed to see its evolution through time. `More resources`
increases the probability for cells to spawn near other cells, defying death. That is, this allows for a nice, lasting animation; but destroys the predictability of seeds. Seeds have to follow `strict rules`
(B3/S23) to work as expected.